Happiness Tea
This tea is a blend of orange peel, liquor ice root, hawthorn, kidney tea, rose, and peony.
This tea is one of the best teas to drink it after work, it helps to relief all the unhappiness during the day, get ready for your next day with a refreshed energy. Specifically for aiding in the treatment of depression.
Drinking 1-3 times a day is essential to get the full benefit of the tea. If dealing with short term depression drink multiple times a day for 3 weeks. For long-term depression drink once a day for as long as needed. This tea is also great for detoxing and promoting blood flow to vital organs.
Brewing Instruction:
1 table spoon of tea
10-16 oz of water
steep for 20-30 minutes
Drink it 30-60 minutes after meal
For the Herbal teas, if you looking for specific benefits,please feel free to contact us , we will be happy to help you to pick up the right teas for you. We also suggest to buy the sweet tea leaves (you able to find more about the sweet tea leaves in "herbal tea"section) to replace the sugar, we don't suggest you to use sugar to brew the teas, the sugar will change the benefits of the teas.